ESG Solutions

ESG Solutions

In the era of ever evolving regulations, Intermodal – being consistent to its priority to stand by its clients– is ready to assist shipping companies via its newly established Intermodal ESG Solutions with their:

Environmental regulations compliance

We actively help you streamline your regulations’ compliance needs, including EU ETS, Fuel-EU Maritime and all upcoming sets of environmental regulations.

EUAs Trading and portfolio optimization

Effectively assist you to monitor GHG emissions, participate in the highly volatile EUAs’ market, optimize your trading opportunities and hedging your risk. We are your reliable partner to execute EUAs buys and help you surrender them, while managing your financial exposure among the different available products, that effectively fit your needs. Working together, this new challenge could be turned into an opportunity, allowing you to tackle this issue in a holistic way and operate in the most cost-efficient way.

Formulation of ESG strategies & reporting

By demonstrating a commitment to Environmental Social and corporate Governance principles, shipping companies gain a competitive edge.

Together we will formulate and document your ESG strategy not only ensuring a significant contribution to a greener future, but also enhancing your brand robustness, reputation, and access to competitive financing.